Cavanillesia platanifolia - Quipo
Native to:
Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Peru.
Lowland moist and dry forest. Up to 300 meters above sea level. Tree, up to 50 meters.

Ecological value:
Fast growing. Moths, bees and hummingbirds pollinate the small white flowers.. Trunk swells when storing water. Very drought tolerant. Prefers well drained soil and full sun, in a humid environment. Genus of 5 species native to the Americas.
Material uses:
Wood, very light, substitute for balsa. Currently little commercial use. Traditionally used to make dug-out canoes. Rope can be made from saplings and the inner bark (resembles ‘Cuba bast’ - Hibiscus elatus). Strong white paper. Locally used to make canoes
Edible uses:
Large fruits and seeds flourish around May, said to taste like peanuts.
Medicinal use:
Oil is traditionally used to heal infected wounds.
Other details:
Over-exploited in Colombia and considered endangered. Red-listed. Stores water like a Baobab by swelling. Leaves only towards the top for a month out of the year.
Georgie Osgood/Christine Facella
“Cavanillesia Platanifolia (Bonpl.) Kunth | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science.” n.d. Plants of the World Online. Accessed November 6, 2023.
“Cavanillesia Platanifolia - Useful Tropical Plants.” n.d. Accessed November 6, 2023.
Barwick. M., ‘Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide’, Thames & Hudson, London, 2004
“Cuipo (Cavanillesia Platanifolia).” n.d. Accessed November 28, 2023.
‘The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants. United States Department of the Army’. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. 2009.
Image source: Barry Stock